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St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

St Thomas More
Catholic Secondary School

STM celebrate another set of excellent results


Today saw many smiling faces as Year 13 collected their A Level and BTec results. They should be quite rightly proud of themselves as they finish their school career with such fabulous results and start the next stage of their lives so positively. Bright futures truly sing out.

All Oxbridge offers were again met. Russell group Unis snapped up other students, and a proportion have also secured themselves some fantastic Apprenticeships. Medicine, Law and Philosophy courses are secured by many, with Bio-medicine, English, Modern Languages and History courses also being popular. The variety of courses is extensive and makes you wish you had your time over again!

Subjects like Maths secured an amazing 41% gaining either A* or A and Further Maths secured 50% A*-A.   86% of all Health and Social Care students gained the top grades of Distinction/Distinction * as did 75% of Sport students and 70% of Performing Arts students.  Where the A-C categories were we celebrate extremely high %s too – Italian and Polish gaining an incredible 100%, Literature 92% (only one student fell below C), Language 82%, Sociology 85%, Physics and Geography each realised 73%, Art 70%, Chemistry, History and Art each gained 69% of all grades A-C.   Brilliant!

Individual students are worthy of praise too:

RATAJCZYK Eryk                A* A* A* A* (+A* EPQ)

BUNKER Liam                    A A A B   (+A* EPQ))

RIZZO Amy                         A*A*A*  (+A* EPQ)

BIJU Noel                            A* A* A  (+A* EPQ)

PATEL Urja                        A A A   (B EPQ)

SCARAMELLA Linda         Dis Dis B B (B EPQ)

BAIO Fabrizio                    A* A  A   (+A* EPQ)

CAMPOPIANO Luca         A* A* A*  (+A* EPQ)      

BREWER Joseph               A* A B

RAWES Evie                      A A B