St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

Our Amazing Form Patrons

Each has an inspirational story of
faith and hope Our Amazing Form Patrons
Each has an inspirational story of
faith and hope

St Catherine of Siena 1347 - 1380 

Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire." 

                                                                                 Feast Day April 29th

St Catherine of Siena lived in Italy. She had a very large family she was the 25th child! She had the gift of faith from a very young age and described many mystical experiences . She chose not to join a religious community but wanted to be close to the people. She  was influential in persuading the Pope to return to Rome from Avignon.

St Catherine had a great gift of writing, she is remembered for this and given the title Doctor of the Church. St Catherine of Siena is our new patron! You are the first Year 7 class to take her name. What else can you find out about her and share when you come to visit the prayer room?

St Catherine of Siena Pray for us!

Learn more about St Catherine of Siena at Catholic Online  here


St Pope John Paul II 1920 - 2005 

Do not abandon yourselves to despair.  We are the Easter people
and hallelujah is our song"

                                                                                    Feast Day October 22nd 

St Pope John Paul ll was polish. He grew up under communism and experienced great suffering in his homeland and in his personal life. He was very gifted, and talented. He was our Pope from 1978-2005. He had a great affection for young people. He was full of energy and vision for our youth. He travelled more than any Pope before him. He started huge gatherings of young people called world youth day which continue to this day.  He is an inspirational form patron. What can you learn about his story?  I look forward to hearing when you come to visit the prayer room as 7 JPll !

St John Paul ll pray for us!

St Pope John Paul II was inspired by young people, learn more about him here

St Teresa of Calcutta 1910 - 1997 


If you judge people, you have no time to love them" 

                                                                                         Feast Day September 5th 

Mother Teresa is another very recent saint of our time. She had a calling from God to be a religious sister and for twenty years followed this calling working in education. She had the experience of an extraordinary calling within her calling. She felt God speaking to her and asking her to serve the poorest of the poor in India. It was very difficult for her to persuade the authorities that this was what she should do. She persevered and eventually was able to follow this road.  Later after she died we learnt more about her mystical experiences and also her dark night of the soul. Mother Teresa was a woman of great faith who encourages us to listen to our calling. What else can you find out about her and bring to share when you visit the prayer room with your new form.

St Teresa of Calcutta pray for us!

Learn more about Mother Teresa here

St Francis of Assisi 1182 - 1226 

Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible, and suddenly
you are doing the impossible"

                                                                                      Feast Day October 4th 

St Francis of Assisi was born in Italy. He had a very wealthy privileged upbringing. His life was transformed when he encountered God and discovered a heart of compassion. God asked him to rebuild the Church not with bricks but through reform. He modelled his life on Jesus he chose a bath of poverty and humility. He even experienced the stigmata the five wounds of Jesus on his hands, feet and side. His lifestyle attracted others who wanted to draw close to Jesus he started an order of monks called the Franciscans. They continue today.  What can you find out about St Francis of Assisi and his order. Can you discover the Franciscans in New York who play basket ball? I look forward to hearing what you have found out when you visit the prayer room as 7SFA.

St Francis of Assisi pray for us!

Learn more about St Francis of Assisi here

St Maximillian Kolbe 1894 - 1941 

The most deadly poison of our time is indifference"

                                                                                                     Feast Day August 4th 

St Maximillian Kolbe is  a hero of our time. He has an incredible story of self giving. He gave his life for another man during the second world war in a death camp in Poland called Auschwitz. When he was proclaimed a saint the man he saved, his children and his grandchildren were there to witness to the life of this great saint. He had a great devotion to Our Lady, the Mother of Jesus and believed that she gave him two crowns in life the crown of purity which was white and a red crown the crown of a martyr. What can you find out about your inspirational form patron?  I look forward to hearing when you come to visit the Prayer room as 7MK.

St Maximillian Kolbe pray for us!

Learn more about St  Maximillian Kolbe here

St Oscar Romero 1917 - 1980 

Aspire not to have more, but to be more" 

                                                                                                    Feast Day March 24th 

Here is another incredible man of our time. He was a good priest who became extraordinary. He lived a comfortable life until his heart was broken and he heard the cry of the poor. Consequently he became a voice for injustice, he spoke out about poverty, social injustice, assassinations, and torture during the civil war in his country of El Salvador. He used his position as a priest and his homilies to challenge and bring about change. He lost his life for this cause and was assassinated during Mass in his private chapel.

What else can you discover about this incredible form patron?

I look forward to hearing when you visit the prayer room as 7 OR.

St Oscar Romero pray for us!

Learn more about St Oscar Romero  here