St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

I am writing to you on behalf of the Directors of Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust (OLICAT) to share the news that, after more than 8 years leading Catholic Education in our schools, Tony Bishop, our Strategic Executive Lead, is planning to retire from that role at the end of the academic year in September 2025. 

Tony began his time with us when we successfully enticed him away from his home area in Sheffield and he joined the St Francis of Assisi Trust in Bedford. The Diocesan plan to form two new Trusts in the north and south of the Diocese was shared by the Diocese with the existing trusts and schools. The planning got underway bringing together several smaller trusts and individual schools to form two larger multi academy trusts (MATs). Then, in 2020 on the merger of Trusts and schools in the northern part of the Diocese into OLICAT, Tony took up his current role. It is testament to his leadership that we have in place such a strong Central Team across our Trust Schools supporting us all in School Development and Improvement.

With your support as Local Academy Committee Governors, Head Teachers and staff, parents and children we know that together we will be able to appoint a worthy successor to pick up the OLICAT baton when Tony passes it on. The Directors are very sorry to be losing such an important yet unassuming leader of our Trust.

We have had a bit of time preparing for the recruitment of a successor to Tony, and, before we advertise the post publicly, we felt the time was right to share this news with you. Tony has been, and continues to be, an integral part of development of the collaborative ethos and success of OLICAT. His leadership style has been to foster collaborative effort across the school communities with the sole aim of improving the education and spiritual development of every child in our schools.

Tony will continue in his role while we recruit his successor. There are more than two busy school terms before he will be leaving us and there will be a handover period to ensure that there is a smooth transition to a new Strategic Executive Lead. We will, therefore, have plenty of time to say farewell when that time comes.

May we take this opportunity to thank Tony and all of you for your hard work, dedication and care for the children in our schools as we approach the end of this Christmas term.

We hope that when we reach the end of this Advent season you are able to celebrate the Peace and Joy of Christmas.

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Donnellan K.C. Chair of Directors