St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

Year 7

Curriculum Intention:

During Yr.7 the pupils are set the task & guided through the process of designing & making to prototype standard a maze type puzzle.

The project is run in a simplified form that is required for a successful completion of the GCSE NEA in Yr. 11.

The students are introduced to the concepts of Design Briefs, Problem Analysis, Design Specifications, Initial design production, Initial design evaluation & selection, Further Design Idea development, realisation of selected designs, Practical skill development, Product Testing & Product further improvement.

Throughout this project the concepts of environmental design & Health & Safety are embedded.

This unit forms the basis for success within the subject. The skills introduced & developed within Yr.7 will be further developed & knowledge deepened during all of the future units.

Curriculum Implementation:




Sept 2nd - Oct 14th

Health and Safety

Design Brief/ Specification

Research into the topic

Initial designs

Jan 6th – 10th Feb

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

20th April – 18th May

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

Half term

Half term

Half term

Oct 28th – Dec 16th

Initial design refinement

Peer and self-assess initial ideas

Development of final concept following above activities

Construction testing and making activities

Product packaging and analysis

24th Feb – 30th March

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

1st June – 13th July

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

Christmas Holidays

Easter Holidays

Summer Holidays


At the end of this unit the pupils will produce a portfolio that represents that required for the GCSE NEA

One physical maze puzzle with be manufactured to prototype standard

Both the Portfolio & maze puzzle will be marked using a simplified in a GCSE NEA marking scheme.

Employability skills:

Provides the opportunity for the students to develop planning, concept development & concept realisation skills. Team work as well as individual skills are also included. The need to successfully meet Design Brief & customer needs

Year 8

Curriculum Intention:

During Yr.8 the pupils are set the task & guided through the process of designing & making to prototype standard a model air canon powered car.

The project is run in a simplified form that is required for a successful completion of t the GCSE NEA in Yr. 11.

The students are introduced to the concepts of Design Briefs, Problem Analysis, Design Specifications, Initial design production, Initial design evaluation & selection, Further Design Idea development, realisation of selected designs, Practical skill development, Product Testing & Product further improvement.

Throughout this project the concepts of environmental design, product performance improvement & Health & Safety are embedded.

This unit forms the basis for success within the subject. The skills introduced & developed within Yr.8 build on the Yr,7 maze project and will be further developed & knowledge deepened during all of the future units.

Curriculum Implementation:




Sept 2nd - Oct 14th

Health and Safety review

Design Brief/ Specification

Detailed research into the topic

Initial designs with detailed annotation that links to potential materials/ dimensions and justifies reasoning

Jan 6th – 10th Feb

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

20th April – 18th May

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

Half term

Half term

Half term

Oct 28th – Dec 16th

Initial design refinement (as above)

Peer and self-assess initial ideas

Development of final concept following above activities – annotation for justifiable modifications and adaptations

Detailed construction testing and making activities

Product analysis, review and test racing

24th Feb – 30th March

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

1st June – 13th July

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

Christmas Holidays

Easter Holidays

Summer Holidays


At the end of this unit the pupils will produce a portfolio that represents that required for the GCSE NEA

One physical model car with be manufactured to prototype standard

The model car will have been tested on the department race track & its performance analysed.

Both the Portfolio & the model car will be marked using a simplified GCSE NEA marking scheme.

Employability skills:

Provides the opportunity for the students to develop planning, concept development & concept realisation skills. Team work as well as individual skills are also included. The need to successfully meet Design Brief & customer needs.

Product Testing & performance analysis.

Year 9

Curriculum Intention:

During Yr.9 the pupils are set the task & guided through the process of designing & making to prototype standard a key ring for a charity to use to raise funds.

The project is run in to a similar form and standard that is required to successful complete a GCSE NEA in Yr. 11. This will provide the students with a clear understanding of the GCSE course so as to provide them with the information to successfully make the correct GCSE option choices.

The students practise further, in more depth & more independently the concepts of Design Briefs, Problem Analysis, Design Specifications, Initial design production, Initial design evaluation & selection, Further Design Idea development, realisation of selected designs, Practical skill development, Product Testing & Product further improvement.

Throughout this project the concepts of environmental design & Health & Safety are embedded.

This unit forms the basis for success within the subject. The skills introduced & developed within Yr.9 will be further developed & knowledge deepened if the pupils opt for GCSE Resistant Materials.

Curriculum Implementation:




Sept 2nd - Oct 14th

Health and Safety – workshop process/ practices

Justified detailed Design Brief/ ‘self- designed’ Specification

Detailed research into the topic

Initial designs with detailed annotation that links to potential materials/ dimensions and justifies reasoning

Jan 6th – 10th Feb

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

20th April – 18th May

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

Half term

Half term

Half term

Oct 28th – Dec 16th

Initial design refinement (as above)

Peer and self-assess of initial ideas against the Specification

Development of final concept following above activities – annotation for justifiable modifications and adaptations

CAD development work – skills and development ready for laser cutting work and other making activities

Point of sale analysis, review and 3D drawing techniques

24th Feb – 30th March

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

1st June – 13th July

This is on a rotation so repeated with new group

Christmas Holidays

Easter Holidays

Summer Holidays


At the end of this unit the pupils will produce a portfolio that represents that required for the GCSE NEA

One physical plastic key ring will be manufactured to prototype standard

The portfolio will be a shortened version of a GCSE NEA standard portfolio. Within the portfolio the students will have demonstrated effective customer requirement skill.

Both the Portfolio & the model car will be marked using a simplified GCSE NEA marking scheme.

Employability skills:

Provides the opportunity for the students to develop planning, concept development & concept realisation skills. Team work as well as individual skills are also included. The need to successfully meet Design Brief & customer needs.

Product Testing & performance analysis.

Year 10

Curriculum Intention:

The aim of the Yr.10 study within D&T Resistant Materials is to prepare the students to successfully pass their Yr.11 study which will involve the production of one NEA & to sit one examination. Therefore to enable this the following structure of study is undertaken in Yr.10.

During this year of study the pupils are introduced to & their knowledge & skilled developed in the following areas that will prepare them for the Yr.11 year of study within Resistant Materials.

  • Knowledge of Woods, Practical skills to work wood, methods & techniques to answer wood based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of Plastics, Practical skills to work Plastics, methods & techniques to answer Plastic based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of Metals, Practical skills to work Metals, methods & techniques to answer Metals based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of Drawing, Practical Drawing skills, methods & techniques to answer Drawing based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of manufacturing processes methods & techniques to answer manufacturing based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of environmental / sustainable design theory & methods & techniques to answer environmental / sustainable based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of a range of Designers & Design Styles & techniques to answer Designers & Design Styles based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of safe working practises & techniques to answer safe working practises based exam questions.
  • Knowledge & practise of how to produce a successful NEA portfolio
  • Knowledge & practise of how to successfully complete a GCSE examination.

All of the above skills & knowledge will be delivered through a range of mini projects structured in the final GCSE NEA style. Complexity & detail will be increased as each project is undertaken.

Curriculum Implementation:




Sept 2nd - Oct 14th

Health and Safety – workshop process/ practices

Introduction to Drawing Boards & drawing styles including Isometric & Orthographic drawing

Introduction to the skills & equipment required to work with wood. Pupils to learn how to mark out & manufacture accurately Mortise & Tenon, Finger & Dovetail joints

Jan 6th – 10th Feb

Plastics Project

Introduction to how to design & make from a given theme / customer requirements.

Recap on how to use CAD & further advancement developing CAD skills

Introduction to the ADV/DIS of using CAM & how to set up & use the laser cutter.

Introduction & development of the skills & knowledge of the equipment to be used when working with plastic in the workshop and by hand,

Introduction & development of the skills required to produce simple card models moving to more complex models.

Introduction & development of the skills & techniques required to successfully evaluate completed prototype projects.

20th April – 18th May

Completion of the Metal based NEA practice project.

Preparation for the Yr.10 Mock examination.

Half term

Half term

Half term

Oct 28th – Dec 16th

Continuation of Wood Joint project. (will normally be completed 3 weeks before end of term)

Plastics Project

Introduction to plastics & how to design & manufacture using plastics

Introduction to the design process & how to produce a successful NEA portfolio.

24th Feb – 30th March

Metals Project

Recap to how to design & make from a given theme / customer requirements.

Introduction to metals, the methods used to work with metals & the tools & equipment to be used with metals.

Recap / further develop the skills required to successfully produce an NEA portfolio.

1st June – 13th July

Introduction to the real AQA NEA theme for the 2021 marking.

Completion of Section 1 of the 2021 NEA.

Christmas Holidays

Easter Holidays

Summer Holidays


Through a number & range of mini projects, theory lessons & practice exams.

  • Pupils will produce a range of wood joints, be able to draw them using a range of techniques & be able to successfully answer examination questions about this area of study.
  • Pupils will produce a product made from plastics using a wide range of skills including CAD/CAM, laser cutting. A full portfolio will have been produced & they be able to successfully answer examination questions about this area of study.
  • Pupils will produce a product made from metals using a wide range of skills including CAD/CAM, practical skills. A full portfolio will have been produced & they be able to successfully answer examination questions about this area of study.
  • All other areas of study will be covered in theory lessons, homework, mini project or focused practical task.

Employability skills:

Provides the opportunity for the students to develop planning, concept development & concept realisation skills. Team work as well as individual skills are also included. The need to successfully meet Design Brief & customer needs.

Product Testing & performance analysis. CAD/CAM skills, Material knowledge & processing skills / techniques, Design for the environment skills/ Health & safety knowledge, Variety of machine use.

Design idea complication skills to customers

Year 11

Curriculum Intention:

The aim of the Yr.11 study within D&T Resistant Materials is to use the skills & knowledge gained during Yr.10 studies to successfully complete the following areas of study;

  1. Non Examined Assessment (NEA) – the pupils (working from a theme given by AQAO will research, develop & manufacture to prototype standard a product.
  2. Examination – the pupils will further develop their theory knowledge for the subject, undertake a wide range of practise exam questions as well as complete a Mock examination. These tasks will be embed throughout the year whilst the NEA is being undertaken.

Curriculum Implementation:




Sept 2nd - Oct 14th

Completion of section 1 of the NEA for 2020

Examination preparation for both the Mocks & the real GCSE examination.

Jan 6th – 10th Feb

Completion of further development of chosen initial design idea if not completed at the end of the previous half term.

Production Planning, Jig making & manufacture of the final chosen design.

Examination preparation for the real examinations

20th April – 18th May

Preparation for real GCSE examination.

Half term

Half term

Half term

Oct 28th – Dec 16th

Completion of section 2 (Initial design ideas, ideas selection and further development of the chosen Initial design idea.

Examination preparation for the Mock examinations

24th Feb – 30th March

Production Planning, Jig making & manufacture of the final chosen design.

Evaluation of manufactured prototype & suggestions for further improvements.

Examination preparation for the real examinations

1st June – 13th July

Yr.11s will be on examination leave & will sit the real GCSE examination.

Christmas Holidays

Easter Holidays

Summer Holidays


The pupils will;

  1. The pupils will successfully produce a product (to prototype standard) based on a theme provided by AQA
  2. The pupils will have produced a high quality design portfolio that meets all of the marking criteria set by AQA
  3. The pupils will have successfully complete one examination.
  4. The pupils will have equalled or better their estimated Resistant Materials grade.

Employability skills:

Provides the opportunity for the students to develop planning, concept development & concept realisation skills. Team work as well as individual skills are also included. The need to successfully meet Design Brief & customer needs.

Product Testing & performance analysis. CAD/CAM skills, Material knowledge & processing skills / techniques, Design for the environment skills/ Health & safety knowledge, Variety of machine use.

Design idea complication skills to customers

Successful completion of this course will allow the students to progress to the next level / stages of study within the manufacturing & design subjects / industry

Year 12

Curriculum Intention:

The aim of the Yr.12 study within D&T Product Design is to prepare the students to successfully pass their A Level Product Design study which will involve the production of one NEA & to sit two examinations. Therefore to enable this the following structure of study is undertaken in Yr.10.

During this year of study the pupils are introduced to & their knowledge & skilled developed in the following areas that will prepare them for the Yr.11 year of study within Resistant Materials.

  • Knowledge of Woods, Practical skills to work wood, methods & techniques to answer wood based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of Plastics, Practical skills to work Plastics, methods & techniques to answer Plastic based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of Metals, Practical skills to work Metals, methods & techniques to answer Metals based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of Drawing, Practical Drawing skills, methods & techniques to answer Drawing based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of manufacturing processes methods & techniques to answer manufacturing based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of environmental / sustainable design theory & methods & techniques to answer environmental / sustainable based exam questions.
  • Knowledge of a range of Designers & Design Styles & techniques to answer Designers & Design Styles based exam questions.
  • - Knowledge & skills required to successfully evaluate & improve existing designs.
  • Knowledge of safe working practises & techniques to answer safe working practises based exam questions.
  • Knowledge & practise of how to produce a successful NEA portfolio
  • Knowledge & practise of how to successfully complete a GCSE examination.

All of the above skills & knowledge will be delivered through a range of mini projects structured in the final A Level NEA style. Complexity & detail will be increased as each project is undertaken. This year of study build on that undertaken during the Resistant Materials GCSE studies.

Curriculum Implementation:




Sept 2nd - Oct 14th

Theory content required for the two examinations will be introduced / recapped with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Model Car design & manufacture project to be undertaken by the students individually.

Jan 6th – 10th Feb

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Building Design team work mini project to be introduced & worked on by the students.

20th April – 18th May

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Final NEA work to be begun. Customer to be finalized & section 1 of the NEA portfolio to be worked on.

Half term

Half term

Half term

Oct 28th – Dec 16th

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Model Car design & manufacture project to be undertaken by the students individually. Final design to be raced & evaluated

24th Feb – 30th March

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Building Design team work mini project to be completed, tested & evaluated.

1st June – 13th July

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students. Mock examination to be sat & results to be feedback to students to help direct their examination preparation.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Final NEA work to be begun. Customer to be finalized & section 1 of the NEA portfolio to be worked on.

Christmas Holidays

Easter Holidays

Summer Holidays


Through a number & range of mini projects, theory lessons & practice exams.

  • Pupils will produce a range of wood joints, be able to draw them using a range of techniques & be able to successfully answer examination questions about this area of study.
  • Pupils will produce a product made from plastics using a wide range of skills including CAD/CAM, laser cutting. A full portfolio will have been produced & they be able to successfully answer examination questions about this area of study.
  • Pupils will produce a product made from metals using a wide range of skills including CAD/CAM, practical skills. A full portfolio will have been produced & they be able to successfully answer examination questions about this area of study.
  • All other areas of study will be covered in theory lessons, homework, mini project or focused practical task.

Employability skills:

Provides the opportunity for the students to develop planning, concept development & concept realisation skills. Team work as well as individual skills are also included. The need to successfully meet Design Brief & customer needs.

Product Testing & performance analysis. CAD/CAM skills, Material knowledge & processing skills / techniques, Design for the environment skills/ Health & safety knowledge, Variety of machine use.

Design idea complication skills to customers

Year 13

Curriculum Intention:

The aim of the Yr.13 study within D&T Product Design is to use the skills & knowledge gained during Yr.12 studies to successfully complete the following areas of study;

  1. Non Examined Assessment (NEA) – the pupils (working from a theme given by AQAO will research, develop & manufacture to prototype standard a product.
  2. Examinations – the pupils will further develop their theory knowledge for the subject, undertake a wide range of practise exam questions as well as complete a Mock examination. These tasks will be embed throughout the year whilst the NEA is being undertaken.

Curriculum Implementation:




Sept 2nd - Oct 14th

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Section 1 of NEA to be completed.

Initial Design Idea creation to e undertaken

Jan 6th – 10th Feb

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Further development of selected design to be completed.

Final design materials etc. to be organised & purchased.

Final design prototype construction to be undertaken.

20th April – 18th May

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Half term

Half term

Half term

Oct 28th – Dec 16th

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Initial Design Idea creation to be undertaken & completed.

Initial design ideas to be fully evaluated & final selection for further development made.

Further Development of the final selected design to be undertaken.

24th Feb – 30th March

Theory content required for the two examinations will continues with the students.

Practice examination questions to be completed, marked & feedback used to improve the students examination technique.

Further development of selected design to be completed.

Final design materials etc. to be organised & purchased.

Final design prototype construction to be completed.

Final design o be fully evaluated & suggested further improvements to e made.

1st June – 13th July

Pupils will be on examination leave.

Christmas Holidays

Easter Holidays

Summer Holidays


The pupils will;

  1. The pupils will successfully produce a product (to prototype standard) based on a theme provided by AQA
  2. The pupils will have produced a high quality design portfolio that meets all of the marking criteria set by AQA
  3. The pupils will have successfully complete one examination.
  4. The pupils will have equalled or better their estimated Resistant Materials grade.

Employability skills:

Provides the opportunity for the students to develop planning, concept development & concept realisation skills. Team work as well as individual skills are also included. The need to successfully meet Design Brief & customer needs.

Product Testing & performance analysis. CAD/CAM skills, Material knowledge & processing skills / techniques, Design for the environment skills/ Health & safety knowledge, Variety of machine use.

Design idea complication skills to customers

Successful completion of this course will allow the students to progress to the next level / stages of study within the manufacturing & design subjects / industry