Good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them.
At St Thomas More, students have the opportunity to acquire the skills, qualities and knowledge required to pursue a pathway that is right for them. Careers aspirational work and guidance starts in Year 7 and continues throughout the school years.
Our careers programme is built around the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure that every young person receives high quality career guidance in order to make informed decisions about their future.
Students experience multiple interactions with employers through careers talks; fairs, events, work experience, assemblies and in lessons across the wider curriculum. We offer impartial advice and information at key transition points to ensure that students are aware of the post-16 and post-18 options available to them.
Rhys Allen - Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Personal Development
We meet with students in Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 for 1:1 discussions regarding their future pathways. Please visit our VI Form area for further information regarding Future Pathways. Students may request a careers appointment by speaking to their Head of Year or Mr Allen